Twenty-five years after the events in A New Hope, the relentless assault by the alien invaders known as the Yuuzhan Vong has plunged the galaxy into war. But word has come of a possible intelligence coup for the New Republic!
Young Finn Galfridian joins Leia Organa and her children aboard the legendary Millennium Falcon for an undercover mission to a notorious refuge for pirates and smugglers. Meanwhile, Finns sister Kaye, held prisoner aboard a Yuuzhan Vong starship, is about to show the invaders that the galaxy is not defenseless!
I'm not sure what we have in store for the finale of this mini series but it would seem that some of these plots will continue into the next mini series. For those readers who are craving the original trilogy cast then this issue is for you. Not only do you get most of the key characters, but they don't feel hollow. Their dialogue and actions seem worthy of the actions that took place in Return of the Jedi or some of the post-Jedi comic book stories. This was a fun read for a Star Wars fan. Read Full Review
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