Our drunken, haunted hero visits the scene of his grandfather's execution, recalling the stories that have cursed the land, while nearby the casual and the well-off bathe in blood.
Things continue to be ramped up. Where we're going, I can't say. But I'm going to follow this until the end! Read Full Review
An impressive combination of Henriksen's storytelling abilities and Mandrake's illustrations, readers will not regret picking up “To Hell You Ride” #3. Since the beginning, I have been a huge fan of the series and I highly recommend it. Read Full Review
To Hell You Ride only seems to be getting more intriguing as the story wanes into its concluding issues. Blackwash, a mercenary group has quarantined the town in hopes of preventing the spread of, what Two Dogs calls, a spiritual infection. This story isnt an all out violent book, nor is it meant to build suspense with each turn of the page. Its more about the evolution of Two Dogs as a man, the tarnish of his soul and his connection with his long dead tribe of Native American brethren. While not everyone will be a fan of thegritty overtones and cookie-cutter portrayals of some of the characters,Im definitely interested to see how everything plays out in the months to come. Read Full Review
o Hell You Ride #3 is an emotional and frightening comic, and is bringing on a much more suspenseful air to the story. It is a bit jumpy as the story doesn't follow linear scenes, but rather illustrates the points of the narration. There is a lot to be said for a comic that addresses these types of important social subjects, especially in such a fantastic setting. If you're looking for something different, To Hell You Ride is definitely that, but follows through with good substance. Even though this issue is a bit unevenly paced, it is still indispensable to the series as whole. Read Full Review
Granted I didn’t have much to say about this series, but that’s a good thing. That means that it’s continuing on the same path and since it started on the right path, that’s great. I’m enjoying the hell out of this story and I will be here until the finish of the series which I can’t guarantee with other series dealing with a similar subject matter. The story continues to be enthralling and entertaining and that’s why I’ll be back for more next month. Read Full Review