Adventure Comics Special: The Guardian #1
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Adventure Comics Special: The Guardian #1

Writer: James Robinson Artist: Pare Perez Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 5, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
7.3Critic Rating
4.5User Rating

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Nov 7, 2008

    The art isn't brilliant and you're not going to see many (if any) punches thrown, but this book does what it needs to doset up Superman's future and reveal more of the government's assassination plot against him. Oh yeah, and it's well written, too. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Nov 7, 2008

    Adventure Comics Special #1 was a great issue that serves to pull even more readers into the New Krypton story. This issue also did a fine job of re-establishing the Guardian into a more prominent role within the DCU and giving him a role to play in the New Krypton story. Adventure Comics Special #1 is a balanced issue that offers up enough action, drama and mystery that should give it plenty of broad appeal. I would certainly recommend getting this issue, especially if you are following the New Krypton story on Action Comics and Superman. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Nov 5, 2008

    Besides pointing out the general competency of this mystery, and Robinson's deft characterization of the Guardian as a man struggling with his own identity and humanity, it's tough for me to pinpoint whether newer readers will identify with this issue as much as long-time Superman fans. I suppose the most accurate thing I can say is that if you enjoyed the Jimmy Olsen one-shot, you'll enjoy this one. However, fans expecting a pure or direct follow up to last week's Superman issue are likely to walk away disappointed, as are those who expected all of Superman's titles to build of each other sequentially moving forward. On the plus side of things, Superman's world continues to get a bit more interesting and complex with each passing week. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Alex Rodriguez Nov 14, 2008

    All-in-all, the comic made for a good read and served as a good lesson on how subtlety in art can enhance a story. The writing was good, put without the subtlety in the most important of pages it would not have been as good. Kudos to the art team, the style wasnt overly complex but the emotions are there when they are needed the most. Id recommend picking up this issue the next time youre at your comic shop. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Koppy McFad Nov 14, 2008

    The art is a bit workman-like-- professional and well-drafted but still feeling a bit flat. The scenes that should be shocking just look rather weird. The cover is also a bit deceptive as it shows a scene that does not appear in the comic. And of course, the title of the comic is almost as convoluted as the story. Why did they bring the old "Adventure Comics" title back, just for a one-shot? Why not just call it, "the Guardian special"? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Nov 8, 2008

    The story leads directly into next week's "Action Comics" #871, so if you're picking that up, you will probably want to get this one first, as it seems that Robinson and Johns are setting up the Guardian to be the street-level operative as the Kryptonian battle for the sky rages inevitably in the future. Read Full Review

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