Aquaman #10

Writer: Rick Veitch Artist: Yvel Guichet Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 10, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1
2.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Black Manta and Aquaman travel to Dreamtime to battle the Thirst for the soul of the fourth and final river goddess! Meanwhile, Tempest is back in Atlantis, where he discovers a monstrosity pumping dark, satanic energy into the oceans.

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 15, 2003

    The bloom is officially off the rose, as Rick Veitch's new direction seems to be spinning its wheels, and offering up the same plot over & over again, while at the same time casting Aquaman into the role of a completely ineffectual hero. Now I realize that the Thirst is supposed to be coming across as an unstoppable force, and when Aquaman does manage to defeat him his victory will seem more impressive, thanks in large part to the string of defeats he's been handed. However, this issue feels a bit like the third night of turkey leftovers after Thanksgiving, as I'm more than ready to move on to something else. It also doesn't help that Rick Veitch decides to open the issue with page upon page of purple prose, in what I'm guessing was an active bid to convey the surreal, and almost dream like quality of this latest river goddess' realm. Still, the subplot back in Atlantis looks like it's getting ready to pull out of the station, as Vulko's alliance with the mysterious jellyfish man is ex Read Full Review

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