Aquaman #12

Writer: Rick Veitch Artist: Yvel Guichet Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 12, 2003 Critic Reviews: 2
4.0Critic Rating
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JLA cameos at beginning and end of story. In “Bridge Over Troubled Waters,” the conflict between Aquaman and The Thirst reaches its climax! The action-soaked first year of AQUAMAN concludes with a final battle that will leave Aquaman changed forever and have a dramatic effect on the city of Atlantis.

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Nov 17, 2003

    The idea that a writer can resolve their big crisis, or in this case a pair of them, with a instant quick fix is something I've come to see as a writer essentially telling the reading audience that they couldn't be bothered to come up with a proper ending. I mean how much effort does it take for a writer to set up a problem, if such an easy resolution is waiting in the wings to solve everything once you've advanced the crisis to the stage where everything looks hopeless. Now I've been treated to this type of ending literally hundreds of times during my decades of reading comics so Rick Veitch isn't doing anything I haven't seen before, but it's reached the stage where I'm simply no longer willing to view these type endings as anything but the writer engaging in outright lazy plot resolution, and while I saw this one coming it's still disappointing. It is nice to see this book acknowledge that the JLA would respond to a crisis of this magnitude though, as far too often books seem to for Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Glenn Collins Nov 14, 2003

    The entire Thirst storyline could be skipped and you would not miss much. Lets just see what this new team can do with Aquaman and heh, maybe Peter David is waiting in the wings. Read Full Review

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