Aquaman #29

Writer: John Arcudi Artist: Patrick Gleason Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 20, 2005 Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

A rush of applications for GeneTech's water-breather gene therapy leads to chaos! Aquaman goes to the JLA to gain leverage against GeneTech, but finds the group in the middle of its own problems, as the Themyscira crisis heats up! And Malrey is badly hurt in battle with Conger!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 26, 2005

    Patrick Gleason's work on this issue is a little more cartoonish looking than his previous work on this title, and given the creative team looks to be the same, I can only assume that this was a deliberate style choice on his part. Now on one hand I do like that his characters are far more expressive, as Lorena's facial expressions throughout the issue help to sell the emotional beats of the story, from her excitement on the opening page, to her wide-eyed wonder when the ship from Atlantis arrives in the city. The art also does a lovely job on the issue's big impact moment as Aquaman and Superman trade blows, and the panel where an enraged Aquaman demands respect was a very memorable image. Still there were some panels where the art looked a bit bizarre, as the panels before Aquaman pulls out the reporter's business card looked downright strange. Still, the cover image is sure to catch the eye of the passing fan, and while Superman fans might feel like they were tricked into buying the Read Full Review

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