"Prodigal" part 1! Bruce Wayne has once again relinquished the role of the Dark Knight. Now a new Batman must show he is up to the task as his first adventure pits him against Killer Croc, who is again on the loose and plotting revenge against a Batman he's never met! Continued in BATMAN: SHADOW OF THE BAT #32.
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I remember when I found this at my local Wal-Mart many a year ago. I'd never seen Croc in the comics before and didn't yet realize that wasn't the regular Batman either. When I read it though I was surprised to see Dick Grayson was going to prove himself worthy of the cowl. Which he did far better than Jean Paul Valley. As for Croc, I deduced it was him on the cover sooner. And I thought he was a lot cooler looking in the comic than on the Cartoon.
"Prodigal" quickly became, and is still one of my all-time favorite Batman stoylines. This issue set it off to a real good start.