Oracle and the Calculator face off (albeit back-to-back) in a virtual war spawned in their COUNTDOWN encounters, setting the BIRDS OF PREY up for big changes!
The one drawback of this issue though is that the storyline is a continuation of the Countdown (GASP!!) showdown between Oracle and the Calculator (worst name ever). Luckily, the original "fight" occurred relatively early in the series, so you might not have quit in frustration by that point. Also, the Countdown backstory, while nice to know beforehand, isn't mandatory for you to understand/enjoy this issue. Instead of being an entirely online "fight" like before, there is at least some traditional fisticuffs action added in for variety as well this time around. In the end, it's still a Countdown tie-in by a fill-in creative team, but don't let that stop you from reading a fun self-contained story. Read Full Review