Booster Gold #12

Writer: Chuck Dixon Artist: Dan Jurgens Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 10, 2008 Critic Reviews: 3
7.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

When Booster's attempts to right a wrong from Batman's early days go horribly wrong, he must look to the newest member of his Time Masters team to set things straight--by attacking an unsuspecting Batgirl! "Vicious Cycle" part 2.

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Oct 1, 2008

    This was a nice issue, sort of a change of pace from the usual dark and significant Booster/Rip arguments, and the life or death consequences of the last few issues. The moments with Booster in action with Elvis jumpsuit and flight ring are a lot of fun, and Goldstar out-thinking big brother is a running gag throughout the issue. Dan Jurgens' art, which I've mentioned in the past is sometimes an acquired taste, really does it's work here (though it's probably significant to note that he is the creator of B.G. and thus Booster's costume and antics are perfectly suited to his pencilling chops) and Chuck Dixon's story moves at quite a clip. It's an entertaining package overall, and proves that losing Johns doesn't have to be the death knell for this title. Booster Gold #12 ranks 4 out 5 stars, and a clear recommendation for those who like their comic books to still have that long-lost essence of fun. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 15, 2008

    I'm not sure which creative team will be handling this book in the future, but a strong foundation for stories has been set in place - hopefully the next team will do as good a job of using it as we've seen so far. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Aldridge Sep 15, 2008

    To sum up: Is this issue of Booster going to win an Eisner? No, but it will make you laugh. Read Full Review

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