Catwoman #12

Writer: Ed Brubacker Artist: Cameron Stewart Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 23, 2002 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

"Relentless" part 1! Selina sets out to give something back to the neighborhood, but a new wave of crime brings her closer to her roots than she ever imagined. And if that isn't enough, wait'll you learn the startling secret one of our supporting cast members.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 29, 2002

    Given the previous arcs have been notable for their strong starts, I must confess I was a little surprised by the rather subdue quality of this issue, as we see Catwoman stumble across an Oliver Twist style situation. However, given the 1968 filmed version of this Charles Dickens book is one of my all time favorite films, I'm not going to make too much noise. In fact I wouldn't mind seeing this network of little sticky fingers become a semi-regular part of this title, as it works quite nicely with the guardian angel role that Ed Brubaker has set up for Catwoman. This issue also sets up an interesting little situation with Slam Bradley, as we see him express a desire to pursue a romantic relationship with Selina, and while I'm not sure I'd like to see these two together, it does make for a fun secondary plot, and anything that turns the spotlight Slam Bradley's way is always welcome, as he's a highly engaging character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Oct 27, 2002

    The Dickensian street-urchin plot, Mr. Brubaker bolsters with an unsavory connection to a Catwoman nemesis who stays behind the scenes like a grand master of chess. I have to however believe in the queen. In addition, I'd have to agree that these particular crimes would not immediately interest Batman. Thus, the petty thefts occurring within a Gotham City district, under Batman's nose is plausible. These crimes are also unlikely to interest Catwoman, but Mr. Brubaker becomes involved in a believable way. Add a few decent cops and a rollicking scene with Holly and Slam, and you have a very good issue of Catwoman. Read Full Review

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