Catwoman #27

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Paul Gulacy Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 28, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

"Night Moves"
Selina crosses paths with the Dark Knight as she scours the East End for the mastermind behind the brutal kidnapping that put one of her friends in the hospital. Will these uneasy allies be able to work together, or will Catwoman go her own way?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 1, 2004

    Not exactly the most engaging of issues, as Ed Brubaker looks to be taking his sweet time getting his pieces in place for the big finish. Now part of this could be simple impatience on my part as I want to get to the desert of the story without having to clean the plate, but I have to say I found sections of this issue to be a devoid any real excitement. I mean it's always fun to watch Catwoman on the warpath as she's looking for answers in the opening pages of this issue, and Ed Brubaker deserves credit for his work on the Catwoman/Batman relationship, as their exchange in this issue is extremely well done. However, over half of the issue is handed over to moments where all the forward momentum of the story looks to drag to a complete stop, as we see Selina is bothered by the idea that in spite of her efforts there's still crime in the East End, and the late night visit with Holly was also quite disappointing as it plays as more of a information dump than a real conversation between f Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jan 31, 2004

    This issue of Catwoman is really just puffed up nonsense that shows how tough the character happens to be, but even new readers I think could have taken that as a given. She is after all wearing leather the veritable badge of toughness when pertaining to women. The problem is that she does not act intelligently, and intellect is the vital component for any non-powered individual trying to make the world, or her corner of it, a better place. Read Full Review

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