Catwoman #43

Writer: Andersen Gabrych Artist: Rick Burchett Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 25, 2005 Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Killer Croc rolls into the East End tearing up anyone dumb enough to get in a croc/human's way! And where Croc goes, can Onyx be far behind?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 2, 2005

    First off I have to say I loved the cover to this issue, as its use of empty space is really quite impressive, and it was enough to have me looking the other way when it comes to the artistic cheat this cover employs. Plus the photo-shop elements on the cover are actually worked into the image far better than I've come to expect. As for the interior art while Rick Burchett doesn't really offer up any visuals that grabbed my attention he does tell the story is a clear, easy to follow manner, and the big impact moments of the issue are well done. I mean the credit page arrival of Killer Croc manages to nicely sell the element of surprise, and the opening battle that Catwoman has with the abusive pimp had a nice sense of motion on display. I will say the idea that the Black Mask is allowed to express emotions while wearing a mask struck me as being a strange though, as one of the more unsettling aspects that comes with a character who wears a mask is that you can't read their faces, and a Read Full Review

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