Checkmate #4

Writer: Greg Rucka Artist: Jesus Saiz Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 19, 2006 Critic Reviews: 3
7.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

A Kobra traitor is revealed and an international metahuman battle joined as the series' first arc reaches its shocking conclusion! "The Game of Kings" part 4.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey Aug 8, 2006

    In The End: Of all the new series that were spawned out of Infinite Crisis, this is my favorite. It has everything I like about a series, and Rucka has made the concept work. He did the right thing by having the team forced to fight right from the beginning even if that was a fight for political survival. Rucka has laid out the concept and characters and let us know up front that anything can happen. Jesus Saiz's art gives the series a realistic credibility and was integral to my enjoyment of the overall story. This series is amazing and has the potential to be something truly special. A political thriller is hard to pull off in a world full of super-heroes. I trust Greg Rucka to make it work. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Aug 4, 2006

    As long as the writing keeps up this pace, Checkmate is on my pull. It is certainly off any probation period. If the subject material sounds interesting to you, the crafter of this book are doing excellent work. Enjoy! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Aronson Jul 24, 2006

    I think Ruckas been stretched too thin. He bowed out of writing Supergirl because of the toll 52 and his upcoming novel are taking on him, and while I think hes the right writer to tackle Checkmate, he isnt devoting the necessarily amount of effort to make the book work. Sales are taking a dive, and if the faithful are already giving up, this book doesnt have long to live. Read Full Review

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