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Deadshot #5

Writer: Christos N. Gage Artist: Steven Cummings Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
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  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 14, 2005

    Steven Cummings has done a pretty decent job on this miniseries, as while the art hasn't really offered anything visually that I would label jaw-dropping, he does a solid job of keeping the story easy to follow, and this issue he's called upon to deliver the big final battle between Deadshot and a small army of super-villains, and he does a pretty effective job of selling the various steps that Deadshot took to earn his victory. The issue also provides some shocking moments during the battle, as I have to confess the scene where Deadshot kills the hostage caught me completely off guard, as did the scene where he deals with the vampire. In fact, the art compellingly conveys the sheer brutally of Deadshot's attacks without getting overly graphic in its presentation, and this is a pretty difficult balancing act for an artist to pull off. We also get yet another fine looking cover from Mike Zeck, who perfectly captures the sense of danger that Deadshot faces inside the issue. Read Full Review

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