What kind of people call themselves "The Brotherhood of Evil"? Not this group; not if a certain pan-dimensional business tycoon has anything to say about it. After all, image is everything. But it doesn't matter how they rebrand themselves the Doom Patrol has found them, and it's not going to be pretty.
There's other stuff going on here, including awoman with toothbrushes on her head thatI believe came out of Morrison's run on the DP. Read Full Review
Luckily, all of the problems with this issue are correctable. Giffen and company just need to work on it a little. Read Full Review
Its still a superhero book, and current foe Thayer Jost is trying to use that against the team since DC humans have been so traumatized by Blackest Night that all metahumans look evil. I dont think Giffen is moving towards healing any of these fractured psyches. So instead were reading an in-the-trenches scenario of soldiers who evince a precariously balanced madness in the face of an unbalanced, mad world. Thats not a bad take on the concept, and its brave of him to attempt to integrate the unusually complicated Morrison characters. Im all about a New Brotherhood, so Im sticking around to see how this confrontation plays out. Read Full Review