A special flashback tale featuring the secret origin of Johnny Stitches-the mysterious member of Intergang who's recently made his presence felt in Gotham. Additionally, secrets surrounding Penguin's underground railroad and the construction of his "gang army" are revealed!
One final nit-pick before I leave you: Multiple times throughout this series, Tieri has made some pretty egregious continuity mistakes. And not the type of shallow continuity mistake that's common throughout the DCU these days, where a character is off on Mars when he's supposed to be imprisoned on Paradise Island. No, Tieri makes an entirely different and more severe blunder, and ignores stories that were printed not too long ago. In the case of this issue, Tieri portrays an Amgydala that's dramatically different from the character that used to live in Dick Grayson's Bludhaven apartment complex, and instead seems ripped right out of the pages of his appearance in Knightfall. If you're going to do nostalgic rehashes of the past, at least get the history right. Read Full Review