Green Arrow #14

Writer: Kevin Smith Artist: Phil Hester Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 26, 2002 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
8.0Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

A homicidal new villain known as Onomatopoeia is hunting down non-super powered heroes, and it looks like Green Arrow may be next on his hit list. But what Onomatopoeia doesn't know is that Ollie's ready to do ANYTHING if it means saving the lives of the people he loves...

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 4, 2002

    I can't recall any comments that Kevin Smith may have made regarding Connor Hawke, but since his opening story was entirely devoted to bringing Oliver Queen back from the dead, one can infer that he views Oliver as the true Green Arrow, and as such Connor suddenly becomes extraneous. Now I don't think he'll kill Connor off, but Karen Page's death during his "Daredevil" run was quite unexpected, so I wouldn't put it past Kevin Smith to make this story Connor's last hurrah. In any event this uncertainty does add a nice sense of foreboding to this story, and it also results in some fairly powerful scenes as we see the Black Canary & Mia attempt to comfort a stunned Oliver. The villain of this arc is also quite effective, as his minimalist conversation skills adds a nice mystery factor to the character, and one is left quite curious about his motives. Plus, the issue ends with a great cliffhanger that ensures Kevin Smith's final issue will be a memorable one. Read Full Review

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