Green Arrow #19

Writer: Brad Meltzer Artist: Phil Hester Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 31, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
6.0Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

"Archer's Quest" part 4 of 6--guest-starring the JLA! Ollie runs into trouble with the Justice League, but more importantly, he has his first major confrontations with both the Flash and the new Green Lantern!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 16, 2002

    This issue feels a bit slow and while there's moments that I enjoyed quite a bit, the promising mystery from the opening issue has kind of lost its way, and the lack of any real action in this issue had me focusing on the unanswered questions that this issue avoids addressing. I mean one has to wonder why does Oliver feel he has to skulk around like a thief to get objects that are clearly his property, when he could simply step forward and ask for them. The question of why he feels he needs these objects is also a bit loosey goosey in the logic department, though I will concede that Brad Meltzer does come up with a pretty solid reason why Oliver would want the diamond-tipped arrow. I'll also give him full marks for the way he dealt with the tension between Oliver & Kyle, with the boxing glove question generating a very cute little moment of nostalgia. Less impressive though is the scene with the Flash, as it does make Wally look a bit slow on the uptake, which just feels wrong. Read Full Review

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