Green Arrow #27

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Phil Hester Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 11, 2003 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
6.7Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Green Arrow digs deeper into the mystery of Star City's murderous monsters! As if that weren't bad enough, meet Drakon Constantine, a hit man with the reflexes of a mongoose and a heart of smoldering coal. On the flip side, Ollie's relationship with Black Lightning's niece Joanna comes to a boil.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 19, 2003

    Personally I think Judd Winick played it a little too safe when he had Oliver back down in his encounter with the police, as one of the more appealing elements of Green Arrow was his willingness to wade into conflicts based on what he felt was the right thing to do, rather than the smart thing to do. I mean I expect Oliver to put on a bit more of a show when he spots the police grabbing people off the streets to advance the interests of a large corporation, and as such having him back away felt wrong. On the other hand the issue does offer up a somewhat enjoyable look at Oliver wrestling with the internal debate of his being a dirty old man, who would jeopardize a friendship for a simple good time. The struggle that Oliver has with the hulking brute that is terrorizing the construction site is also quite exciting, and the big reveal on the final page sets up a pretty interesting problem for our hero to face. There's also a pretty enjoyable introduction scene involving a hired killer, w Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Dale Roberts Jul 7, 2003

    Green Arrow and Conner witness one cop using his methods of racial profiling to take in a young black man for questioning. Could have worse things have happened if Green Arrow and Conner didn't intervine? That is the question that goes through Conner's mind as they patrol the streets. It is discovered that they actually have a monster on their hands. When they discover that actually they have many monsters to deal with, Green Arrow can only mutter one word......'crap'. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Kozlowski Jun 12, 2003

    Judd Winick has set the stage for the second and third acts of this six-part story arc; all of the players are positioned. While the story premise is goofy and confusing I still find it pretty interesting. Plus, the art is great and there are some fun character moments. Green Arrow might be a little unfocused as a series, but it compares well to Batman and Flash as one of DC's better super-hero comics. Read Full Review

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