Green Arrow / Black Canary #12

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Mike Norton Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 10, 2008 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
5.2Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

Side-by-side with the League of Assassins, Team Arrow finds where Connor Hawke's been taken-but are they too late to save him?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Sep 12, 2008

    The art (Mike Norton still doing a passable gloss on original series artist Cliff Chiang) leans one towards the former, but Winick cant often avoid the pathos of the latter. So maybe the way to go is to pick one tone for one story, and wait to change it once the story is over. That would be more exciting than the frequent perplexing frustration of this first fitful year of the title. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    IGN - Daniel Crown Sep 10, 2008

    I also want to know what's the deal with Conner Hawke becoming less and less ethnic with every passing year. During the Dixon years he was clearly ethnic (being a third black and a third Korean), then he seemed to morph into a Caucasian with a Hollywood caliber tan, and today he's become as lily-white as Ryan Seacrest. I don't know who did Conner's pigmentation surgery, but whoever it was, Michael Jackson really should have given the guy a ring back in the summer of 1979. Read Full Review

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