Green Lantern #154

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Dale Eaglesham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 11, 2002 Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

One of the most important people in Green Lantern's life has been attacked and left for dead. Kyle's about to discover that even with the most powerful weapon in the universe, he can't always protect those closest to him. Now that one of his inner circle is at death's door, Green Lantern is forced to examine just how vicious human beings can be. And no matter what actions he takes, both Kyle, and his legacy as Green Lantern, will begin to change with this issue.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 18, 2002

    Since this is part one of what looks to be a multi-part story, Judd Winick could conceivably be bringing more to the table than he's shown us thus far, but as it stands I must confess I was a bit disappointed by the rather limited vision that Judd Winick has brought to this story. I mean this story is almost too simplistic in how it's approached this fairly important subject manner, as while he's done a very solid job capturing the impact that the attack of Terry would have, the story almost seems afraid to delve any deeper. I mean the thugs that attacked Terry are little more than a faceless evil, that has struck down Terry, and now provide an easy target for Kyle to lash out at. The book also cheats itself when it comes to Terry's parents, as I much rather have read the scene where Kyle confronts the parents instead of his little display of violence with Terry's assailants. I just wish this book had adopted a more intelligent mentality that you hit him, so I'll hit you resolution, b Read Full Review

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