Green Lantern #156

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Dale Eaglesham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 13, 2002 Critic Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

It's the moment you've been waiting for! John Stewart is back in the saddle again as Earth's new protector. Let's just say that he's not easing back into the job. John must learn to confront his past while he contends with the crimes of today. Sentinel lends a hand as this veteran Lantern discovers his new role and the potential for an ultra-violent future.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Emmett Dweh Dec 16, 2002

    Judd Winick brilliantly returned John Stewart as Green Lantern with no surprise. He did not just say, "Hey, he's back". It took him about two years to expertly set up the situation. I loved Kyle from the beginning & its going to take me a while to re-adjust myself to John Stewart but Winick's style of writing is already making the transition easy for me. The artwork is awesome but the color needs to be brighter. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Nov 21, 2002

    I realize that all writers like to play to their strengths, and that Judd Winick feels his is the examination of social issues, but following on the heels of the gay bashing issues I must admit I'm getting a bit anxious to see an issue that wasn't quite so dire in it's presentation of the world. However instead of celebrating John Stewart's return to the Green Lantern fold, we get an issue that seems bound and determined to play up the idea that our heroes live in a world where it's a continuing discovery of man's depravity. I mean this issue opens with an enjoyable bit of action, and then blam we're back in what a crummy world mode. Now I'm sure there are fans who enjoyed this issue and if it wasn't following on the heels of a string of disheartening stories I'm sure I'd be among this group. However, I've reached the stage where I'd welcome a pointless slugfest, as Judd Winick's world view is utterly depressing, and this series seems to have forgotten the notion of escapist entertainm Read Full Review

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