Green Lantern #164

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Charlie Adlard Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 14, 2003 Critic Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Green Lantern and Green Arrow are trapped aboard The Black Circle's mothership. Ordinarily that wouldn't be a problem, but Kyle doesn't have his ring and Ollie's being...well, Ollie. Plus, hunting down the leader of The Black Circle is a lot tougher when you're jailed in an exploding starship!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 22, 2003

    This crossover never really won me over as the entire affair had a rather conventional feel and even the big surprise lacked the impact it needed, as Amon Sur's sudden shift from ally to head villain was telegraphed long before the book actually got around to playing this hand. The tension between Kyle & Oliver was also a underdeveloped, as the writing never went deeper than the surface tension. Now I will give Judd Winick credit for delivering some interaction between the two heroes that was quite amusing, and this issue gives reader a pretty good look at Kyle's new power gimmick. However when all is said and done a fairly enjoyable final issue wasn't enough to overcome the rather lackluster plot that this six issue adventure had offered up. I mean the simple fact of the matter is that the whole drug smuggling plot was never anything more than a plot device, and while Amon Sur's rant about his absence father was a powerful display of emotion, the book never really did anything with it Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Josh Stone May 20, 2003

    Overall I really enjoyed the Black Circle story arc. It was well written by both Winick and Raab, and the art was decent enough for a comic with the Comic Code stamp on it. Like Ive said countless times, that damn ring drives me crazy. Rayner just has to think, I would like to see four foot tall girl scouts kicking you in the shin, and then there they are kicking and selling crappy cookies. Read Full Review

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