I really hope that Krul can start telling fresh Arsenal and Green Arrow tales, but it doesn't appear that it will be happening in this mini-series. I'll continue to give it a chance, but if Roy goes back to being a full-fledged drug abuser then count me out. Even of you are an enthusiast of the emerald archer family, I'd steer clear and try the new Green Arrow ongoing instead. Read Full Review
Internet, before you shell out money for comics like this, you need to think to yourselves, Is this what you want your superhero books to be? Horrible, maudlin and full of faux-gritty ugliness? DC Comics will think so if you keep buying it. Please, do not buy this book. I beg you. Read Full Review
Roy Harper has been down more than up, and to see this character smashed into and through the wringer sideways doesn't endear me to the character or the story that surrounds him. Krul claims to love Roy Harper as a character. Now that he's worked so hard to establish a new low for the character, I hope he gives the character something to live for, but honestly, I don't know that I care. Read Full Review
Trainspotting but with Roy Harper please