Yes. Yes, I should be. It was good to read another tale from this pair of creative legends. Their connection to the world of the "Teen Titans" deserves to be celebrated like this. Now, with this book finally released, it can be celebrated over and over again. Read Full Review
What made New Teen Titans such a compelling comic book for young and old in the 1980s wasn't the action, the revival of Silver Age characters, or introduction of new heroes and villains, but the interaction among the title characters and the supporting cast. There was such an emotional core to the series, and it was riveting to see how these characters learned and grew as people over the course of the series. Sometimes, the growth was the result of incredible conflict, and at others, it was the result of a grounded storyline practically devoid of super-hero genre elements. The interpersonal dynamics that were such an integral part of the original Wolfman/Perez run are reduced to far-too-brief moments here devoid of the depth and nuance I was looking for when revisiting with these old friends. If anything, the loss of the character-driven plotlines demonstrate New Teen Titans works better as an ongoing serial than the foundation for a self-contained graphic novel. Read Full Review