Nightwing #79

Writer: Devin Grayson Artist: Rick Leonardi Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 12, 2003 Critic Reviews: 2
5.0Critic Rating
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Nightwing scrambles to find the source of a madness that's gripping the Bludhaven Police Department. But Bludhaven's Finest aren't just lapsing into a murderous mania--they're also exhibiting super human strength and speed!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 21, 2003

    There is a certain degree of sameness that has crept into this title that one would've hoped would've been dealt with when the new creative team took over the book. On the other side of the equation though one could argue that it is good to see Devin Grayson recognized what worked on this title, and that she has kept the book on course. Now with this said this book could really use a good shot in the arm, and the arrival of a certain character on the final page of this issue could very well be the cure for what ails this title. I also approve of the bit of house cleaning that Devin Grayson looks to be engaging in, as a couple of lingering plot threads have been dealt with, and one has to admit that she did make a rather bold step when she killed off Dudley Soames. As for the plot involving the behavior modifying, strength enhancing energy drink, I'm glad to see this plot has wrapped up so quickly as this issue showed me the idea wasn't strong enough to supported an extended arc. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Kozlowski Mar 14, 2003

    You can tell good cop stories without resorting to ghosts, zombies or other contrived plot devices (see DCs Gotham Central series for example). The SFPD scandal is a great case-in-point: rookie cop pummels citizen over plate of fajitas; rookies father and cronies suppress evidence; D.A. brings entire senior staff up on charges. Youve got cops against cops, the mayor against the D.A. and the media making a circus out of the whole thing. Simple, yet its damned compelling believe me, the whole city is riveted! Would such events work in the comic book form? Why not? Sure its full of cheap coincidences but there are countless character angles to work from. Nightwing could certainly work both sides of the street as daytime cop and nighttime vigilante to uncover the truth. Id much rather read that. Read Full Review

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