Nightwing #82

Writer: Devin Grayson Artist: Mike Lilly Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 11, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

As "Venn Diagram" concludes, Nightwing's been shot, but that's not going to stop him from trying to save his former police partner, Amy Rohrbach. To rescue Amy, he's going to have to stop to his old foe Deathstroke!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 25, 2003

    I have to confess a large part of my disappointment stems from the fact that I entered this issue hoping to see the big fight that the cover to this issue promised, and as such the quick little tussles that we get inside were hardly enough to leave me walking away happy. Now in my review of the first chapter I stated that I believed this was the first time Nightwing appeared in this book, and I got about a half dozen e-mails that made mention of an earlier appearance where he arrived in Bludhaven hunting Man-Bat. Now I had forgotten about this appearance largely because in that earlier encounter the two barely got into it against each other either, so I'm faced this disappointment before, and chances are in about a year's time I'll have forgotten all about this appearance. On the other hand I can still vividly remember the handful of appearances that Deathstroke made in the Titans, so the problem would seem to be that the comic writers of today simply don't understand how to used the c Read Full Review

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