Outsiders #43

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Ron Randall, Pop Mahn Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 6, 2006 Critic Reviews: 2
7.0Critic Rating
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What's the only way to stop Sivana's worldwide high-tech assault on science? How about the ancient way of the warrior?

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bruce Logan Dec 12, 2006

    Winnick does a great job of maintaining a tight continuity (it helps that this series has been his from day one with issue #1). That said, I think it is time for the Outsiders to come inside a bit, and by that I mean get some proper interaction going with the general DCU (as also other heroes). And no, before anyone says another word, by interaction I do not mean lamoid crossovers/guest stars as was Agent Diana Prince showing up in Teen Titans #41. (Could Dianas behavior be written any more air-headed teenage-ish? Maybe if they had her doing a sleepover with Wonder Girl, Miss Martian, Raven and Ravager.) Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Dec 13, 2006

    Outsiders #43 was a good read. Winick turned in an exciting conclusion to this story arc. I definitely hope that we see more of Dr. Sivana at some point in the future. I am cautiously going to recommend this title. The reason why I am slightly reserved about recommending this title is that Winick is capable of flashes of brilliance and then can turn out several pedestrian issues. Read Full Review

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