Outsiders #7

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Tom Raney Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 17, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

It's not double vision—there really are two Metamorphos! But which one's real? Meanwhile, meet Timothy Karnes, a once and future villain called Sabbac.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 28, 2003

    This issue isn't exactly Judd Winick's best work as he offers up a plot by numbers affair that seems more interested in offering up the easy answers, than engaging the readers. I mean what is the point of setting up such an interesting debate if you're only going to make a casual effort to really address the conflict that has been created? To make matters worse is that the issue seems to make a case that the Metamorpho double is prone to go completely spastic when he's confronted with a situation that he has trouble dealing with, which didn't exactly make a convincing case that the real Metamorpho was wrong in his desire to absorb his double back into himself. In the end though I was simply disappointed that this issue failed to dig any deeper than it needed to, in order to arrive at its tidy little resolution, as it's almost like Judd Winick was afraid to really focus too much energy on the debate because he couldn't come up with a better reason for the double to exist beyond the fact Read Full Review

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