Sgt. Rock: The Lost Battalion #3

Writer: Billy Tucci Artist: Billy Tucci Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 7, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2
7.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Koppy McFad Jan 9, 2009

    The art has a grittiness and humanity that makes the confusion of war more palpable. But it also makes it hard to tell Easy Company's men apart. Even Sgt. Rock is recognisable mainly from his helmet with the sergeant's stripes on it. Joe Kubert, Russ Heath and George Evans never had trouble making Rock stand out, even in the dirtiest and grimiest situations. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jan 7, 2009

    The plot of the issue sees Rock and his "lost" battalion begin to take heavy causalities from the German bombardment, and the violence comes quickly and severely. There's even a cameo by DC's famous Haunted Tank, and suffice it to say Tucci's take on the property is infinitely more interesting and sophisticated than the crude, dumb version currently found over in the Vertigo line. Anyway, as the issue progresses, the situation surrounding Rock and his boys grows all the more dire and the US military desperately tries to send reinforcements. The plot of the series definitely has me hooked and excited for more – I just wish Tucci would get out of his own way and tell it in a more straightforward style. Either way, I recommend the book. It's a gorgeously rendered, carefully researched take on the war comic, and it's unlike anything you're likely to read on the stands today – for better or for worse. Read Full Review

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