Static Shock: Special #1
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Static Shock: Special #1

Writer: Felicia D. Henderson Artist: Denys Cowan Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 1, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
5.5Critic Rating
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A special one-shot paying homage to Dwayne McDuffie and the world of Milestone Media, with tribute material from Milestone co-founder Denys Cowan and other Milestone alumni.

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Jun 3, 2011

    The book wraps up with some pin-up pages (including a fantastic Icon page by Jamal Igle any room for him to draw a new Icon series in the DC revamp, guys?) and text pieces by Milestone co-founders Michael Davis and Derek T. Dingle, suitably bringing all of the Milestone founders together one last time. McDuffie was an amazing writer who truly wasnt appreciated for the talent he was, and this one-shot is a suitable tribute. But an even better tribute would be for the Milestone characters to live on. Ill be watching carefully as the new DC Universe is announced, and I really hope to see these characters represented. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jun 5, 2011

    The second story, though much shorter than the first, is definitely the stronger of the pair. Matt Wayne takes us inside a comic-book shop in Dakota where McDuffie, after his death, is joined for the afternoon by two of his creations. Wayne's script is much more poignant and pointed. He explores the notion that in death, people tend to reverse their positions and only speak glowingly of the subject. Through Static and Rocket, Wayne speaks of how McDuffie has been transformed from a thorn in the side of the establishment of the entertainment landscape in life to a celebrated visionary in death. I love how McDuffie remains silent; Wayne doesn't make him a party to his elevation but rather just portrays him as a guy who loved and loves comics of all different kinds. John Paul Leon's art seems simpler than usual but it's quite effective. His likeness of McDuffie is spot-on, and I love the smiles and knowing glances he paints on his face. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jun 4, 2011

    Fans of Static are certain to be pleased with this issue, but comic readers who happen across this book as their introduction to Static might not find this book climbing to the tops of their must-re-read lists. The Special means well, but just fails to serve as inspiration. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jun 6, 2011

    Substantially and tonally, this special mostly goes against what you love about McDuffie: his attention to detail, his open-minded outlook on race, and his light-hearted tenderness. He really deserved better. Read Full Review

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