Supergirl #77

Writer: Peter David Artist: Ed Benes Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 18, 2002 Critic Reviews: 2
4.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Linda Danvers, a.k.a. Supergirl, gets a gig as a substitute art teacher at the local high school, while Kara Zor-El, a.k.a. Supergirl, takes the opportunity to experience life firsthand as a normal Earth teenager. The girls better enjoy the moment, because The Fatalist is coming-and he's out to eliminate Supergirl! Of course, now he has a choice of targets…

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 5, 2003

    I couldn't help but get the sense that Peter David was compressing his story in a bid to get in all in before the final issue hit, and while I realize that comics are written months in advance of their actual shipping dates, and as such it's probably impossible for him to have known the book was being canceled, I still found this issue felt like it was rushing things along. I mean the mystery of where the new Supergirl came is revealed far too early in the game, as while Peter David hasn't come right out & said she's from an alternate dimension, it's rather hard not to notice that this is where the story looks to be heading, given we're introduced to a villain who jumps from one dimension to the next, killing Supergirls. The book also springs it's new status quo upon us with an abruptness that leaves some big questions unanswered, with the biggest one being why hasn't the real Superman come to investigate this new arrival. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Dec 20, 2002

    Perhaps part of the problem lies with Ed Benes. To put it bluntly, he should be removed immediately because he seems to be drawing a different comic book--a home-made comic book from say the Catholic Church. The big muscle-bound villain belongs in an Image title from the nineties not in a DC book. Why does this guy need muscles when super-strength is not the gist of his powers? The female characters of all ages have huge boobs and each of them appear to have gone to the local silicone injection plant. This while an aesthetic crime could have been excused somewhat had there not been something worse around the corner. A high school girls' shower scene. Let me rephrase that. A high school shower scene!!!! What the hell is that doing--anywhere! Read Full Review

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