Supergirl #23

Writer: Kelley Puckett Artist: Drew Johnson Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 7, 2007 Critic Reviews: 3
4.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Writer Kelley Puckett comes onboard the Girl of Steel's title! An enthralling story arc begins with a bizarre delivery to Kara's apartment that very quickly has her hopping dimensions and traveling through deep space! Guest-starring Superman, Batman and the Green Lantern Corps.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Nov 10, 2007

    So, is this the beginning of a new era? Kelley Puckett produces an intelligent script and characterizes the genuine Girl of Steel. Drew Johnson, Ray Snyder and Brad Anderson illustrate the genuine Girl of Steel. I don't know if this issue does warrant a boast of such stature. I will say Supergirl finally bears watching, and if Puckett, Johnson, Snyder and Anderson can match this issue's quality or dare I hope surpass it I just may be adding Supergirl to my pull list and keeping the title there for a long time. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Nov 7, 2007

    If you think I just gave way too detailed of a plot synopsis, allow me to defend myself by saying I have no idea if I'm interpreting the events in these 22-pages correctly. I could be entirely wrong in my estimation of what happened in this book. Puckett's script and Johnson's panel layouts are really that confusing. Truth is, I have absolutely no idea what happened in this book, which is, you know, a bit of a problem. If some kind soul wants to start a thread on our message boards where we can all guess what took place here, be my guest, because I think we'll all need all the help we can get figuring this one out. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Nov 7, 2007

    Superman is here, too, and he sends Supergirl on some mission to follow a space ship. The rest of the issue is basically 7 pages of Supergirl flying through space. No text. No inner monologue. No descriptions. Just Supergirl flying in space. Read Full Review

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