Supergirl & The Legion of Super-Heroes #34

Writer: Tony Bedard Artist: Dennis Calero Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 26, 2007 Critic Reviews: 2
6.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

“The Quest for Cosmic Boy,” part 3 of 5. Why is Cosmic Boy wanted for war crimes? Why is his biggest rival, Mekt Ranzz, defending him? Will special prosecutor Tenzil Kem be forced to eat his own words? And what is the Cult of Validus? There are shocking developments on the lightning world of Winath!

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Sep 28, 2007

    Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #34 was another well crafted issue. Bedard and Calero have successfully revived my moribund interest in this title. Bedard is making the Legion a quality read and should provide Shooter plenty of momentum as he takes over this title with issue #37. I'd definitely recommend giving this title a chance. This is a great point for new readers to hop aboard this train. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Dykema Oct 1, 2007

    In one of the plethora of comics related message boards across the Internet, I ran into a discussion about appropriate comics for children. While there was nothing blatantly offensive in this issue, its dark tone was a turn-off. The art once again seemed drenched in darkness. At least Calero is his own inker. Id feel sorry for someone else if they had to add so many dark lines and blotches. For a Legion thats fun for children, Id point people towards Legion of Super Heroes in the 31st Century #6. I agree with Ray Tates review. That issue kicked ass. It told a tale of a Legion of Super-Heroes that was enjoyable and distinct, unlike this muddled mess were treading through now. Read Full Review

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