Superman #667

Writer: Kurt Busiek Artist: Renato Guedes Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 12, 2007 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
7.5Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

With the whole world watching, Superman's on the hunt for Arion. But Subjekt-17 stands in his path--and he's out for blood! It's the first of two no-holds-barred slamdowns that will shake Superman's world to its core, as the biggest Superman epic in years hits its explosive climax! Continued in SUPERMAN ANNUAL #13!

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Jun 28, 2008

    Renato Guedes is a heck of an artist. He has an excellent sense of scope and when the monster attacks Metropolis, he gives us some awesome views of the path of destruction. The cityscapes he draws are highly detailed and his grasp of displaying powerful action is just superb. If and when Superman has his showdown with Atlas, we're in for one heck of a treat. Hi-Fi's coloring work is the icing on the cake, adding a lot of dimension to Guedes' linework. This is a perfect example of how much difference a capable colorist can make. Because of the Hi-Fi's work, we see all the action taking place near sunset. Buildings begin to turn a little pink and we see their long shadows extend over the streets. It's great atmospheric work and one that shouldn't be ignored. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bryant Frattalone Sep 14, 2007

    Busiek and Pacheco combine wide screen action, viable threats for the man of steel and futuristic technology to give us an exciting read. Read Full Review

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