The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #9

Writer: Marc Guggenheim Artist: Andy Kuhn, Ron Adrian, Art Thibert Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 28, 2007 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

Bart has literally grown into the mantle of the Flash, but if he's going to be a team player, he must first choose a team. Does Bart belong with the JLA or the Teen Titans?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jim Kingman Mar 8, 2007

    Of course Im being selfish. I want to look up to The Flash again, and I want DC to make it so I can believe that I can look up to The Flash again. While The Flash #9 served a purpose and got me thinking, and I appreciate its providing me the perspective and clarity for what Im feeling, Im sad that the days when the character inspired me are gone. The Flash has taken several steps back. I suppose the time has come for me to move on. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Mar 1, 2007

    Hes bailed out by members of the Justice League in his battle with Steppenwolf. Thats not to say he doesnt hold his own and we get to see some of Barts new powers, but I dont know if Bart is ready for Zoom. Geoff Johns creation of the new Zoom was near perfect; Hunter Zoloman was a great rogue for Wally. Im not sure I can believe that Bart can handle some of the rogues in Wallys gallery, at least not yet. My interest is Bart Allen is sparked, although I am still waiting for Wally or Barry to return. Read Full Review

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