The Great Ten #1
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The Great Ten #1

Writer: Tony Bedard Artist: Scott McDaniel Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 4, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
6.8Critic Rating
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Part 1 of a 10-part miniseries! Join writer Tony Bedard (R.E.B.E.L.S.) and artist Scott McDaniel (NIGHTWING, GREEN ARROW) for an adventure exploring the extraordinary characters from the pages of 52 and CHECKMATE! At the dawn of the Chinese Century, the 10 official "super-functionaries" of the People's Republic face their greatest challenge as the gods of Ancient China return to destroy communist rule! Will the most populous nation on Earth drag the rest of the world down with it? Do its heroes even want to save a government that treats them like pawns? Don't miss this tale that redraws the map of the DCU and fleshes out the most exciting and more

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault Nov 5, 2009

    Going offshore for the main characters adds a lot of freshness to scene, story and theme. I hope it pays off. I recommend this quality book and I will certainly be back for issue #2. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Nov 13, 2009

    My first read of this issue was a troubled one, as the shifts in place and time made it difficult to follow, but on a second reading (one that, admittedly, came after more sleep and with less stress) this is a nice little story. Tony Bedard's writing and I have a tumultuous relationship, even in the best of times, but here we have the inertwining of an origin for Accomplished Perfect Physician and the inrodution for what will presumably be the threat for this miniseries. There's much of interest here, with the real-world conflict between Tibet and China in the forefront, and the revelation that the "Robin Hood" A.P.P. was actually August General's most pervasive combatant. Scott McDaniel's art is always interesting, and his stylized, blocky figures work in this context, makin the characters seem to be almost woodcuts out of an ancient scroll or something. It's a strong opening, albeit one that takes a bit more effort to get into than your average, garden-variety comic book story. I bel Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Nov 4, 2009

    Despite the art, "The Great Ten" #1 is a strong start to this series as Bedard sets the stage for a conflict between the China of old and the China of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries with a split within to the Great Ten itself to mark the conflict. The issue ends on a strong note, introducing a new enemy that could give the Great Ten considerable problems. It may be a few years late, but the Great Ten's series is a winner. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Danny Djeljosevic Nov 6, 2009

    Granted, its only the first issue. Theres still nine issues for The Great Ten to prove itself. But it would require fleshing out the rest of the team and for the writing to transcend the bad art. Good luck, The Great Ten. Read Full Review

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