The Spirit #14

Writer: Sergio Aragones, Mark Evanier Artist: Mike Ploog Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 20, 2008 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
5.9Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Feb 23, 2008

    The new era of The Spirit begins. I'm sorry to say that I miss Darwyn Cooke already. While there's nothing bad in this issue of The Spirit, the foundation just didn't wow me as much as so many of the Cooke issues did. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Feb 22, 2008

    The future of this title without Darwyn Cooke at the helm is off to a decent start. I am still personally a little wary of how it will go, but so far it's not terrible. Aragones and Evanier seem to have a good grasp on the Eisner classic and do have the potential to keep the same quality that Darwyn Cooke brought to the title. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    IGN - Dan Phillips Feb 20, 2008

    As much as I was looking forward to this creative team's first outing, it's impossible to call this issue anything other than a disappointment. Besides a few brief flashes of brilliance from Ploog, this issue is just more of the Eisner-lite we saw in last issue's various shorts. If this modern Spirit series can't provide anything other than an opportunity for creators to pay homage to Will Eisner, than it's doomed to go the way of the Do-Do Bird. Read Full Review

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