The Trials of Shazam! #3

Writer: Judd Winnick Artist: Howard Porter Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 25, 2006 Critic Reviews: 2
7.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Freddy Freeman barely makes it through his first task-because he still has no powers! And the mysterious Council of Merlin has its own plans to make sure things stay that way for the young Marvel!

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bruce Logan Oct 27, 2006

    Of all the Brave New World titles (five minis and one ongoing), Trials of Shazam! is easily my favorite of the six. Starting with a bang, this is one ride that just keeps on getting better and better, and one that I intend to stay on until the last panel of the last page of the last issue of this twelve-part mini. Unless DC decides to take it even further as an ongoing, in which case, I'll keep reading at least until this creative team departs from it. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Oct 28, 2006

    Trials of Shazam #3 is an omen that the rest of this maxi-series may end up being one seriously lame read. I really hope that Winick focuses more on fleshing out Freddy's character and making him a more well rounded and interesting personality rather than on focusing on how trendy and modern he can make the magical world of Shazam. I'm sure that long-time Captain Marvel fans absolutely hate this title. I still think that Winick may still be able to make Captain Marvel more appealing to the average modern age comic book reader. And three issues into a twelve issue maxi-series is too early to pronounce this title a failure. However, Winick has certainly started off unimpressively and really needs to put forth his best effort to pull this off and make Trials of Shazam a great read and a cool version of Captain Marvel for the current DCU. Read Full Review

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