Titans #34

Writer: Eric Wallace Artist: Fabrizio Fiorentino Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 13, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2
3.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

While Deathstroke and the Titans contend with Drago on the other side of the globe, Osiris attempts to calm his sister, Isis. Returned from her entrapment in stone, Isis is confronted with a world falling apart all around her. Earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes is it her doing, or is it part of something bigger?

  • 6.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Wayland Apr 20, 2011

    I'm guessing what's going to happen here is that the fragments of the team are going to be forced to work together to beat Drago, at least the Slade/Roy/Jade bit. I also rather wonder if the "darkness" Isis is talking about is the evil opposite number of Shazam from the JSA arc a while back. In that story, we saw the Rock of Finality (mirroring Shazam's Rock of Eternity), and a powerful figure behind the scenes who really seemed like a bad guy. She's purged of it now, but it seems to be in Amon/Osiris, and I bet we'll see it in Black Adam if he's ever de-petrified or whatever the word is. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Apr 14, 2011

    I'm not sure why a title like this is given the opportunity to continue on, spewing forth a story that corrodes the comic book landscape, while other titles like "Doom Patrol" and "Freedom Fighters" -- which have more intricately plotted out stories, more coherent artwork, and more compelling characters -- are targeted for cancellation. If I have to find a silver lining in this book, I suppose it is the fact that Isis has returned. Of course, the longer she remains in this title, the less thankful I may be for that. That one character alone is not enough for me to continue to lose money on this title. After all, I can get 2/3 of a gallon of gas for the same price, which is just enough fuel for me to go to the comic shop and back home without any future issues of this book. Read Full Review

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