Titans / Young Justice: Graduation Day #3
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Titans / Young Justice: Graduation Day #3

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Ale Garza Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 11, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
2.0Critic Rating
3.5User Rating

The pulse-pounding conclusion leaves two teams--and the lives of several heroes--shattered! Can the heroes of the DC Universe pick up the pieces and carry on after a long-standing teammate falls in battle?

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 26, 2003

    As I moved around online earlier today I noticed that a couple people rather enjoyed this final issue, and to a certain extent I can see how they were tricked into thinking this was a quality product, as on the surface this looks like a no holds barred battle where a brave hero fights their last fight. However, I've spent my comic reading life eagerly anticipating battles like this, and I've enjoyed enough to recognize when the writer is simply going through the motions. There's a big difference between a battle where the heroes are involved in a fight where they're the clear cut underdogs, and one where the writing calls for them to act like incompetent fools who get their heads handed to them, and based on my review of this issue, you can pretty well guess which category I would place this battle. I also didn't help matters that Donna's big death scene was so poorly handled as having her turn into a raging psychopath before she is taken down displays a poor understanding of the chara Read Full Review

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