Wonder Woman #190

Writer: Walter Simonson Artist: Jerry Ordway Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 26, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

An amnesiac Wonder Woman struggles to regain her memory. Returned to the streets of New York and hunted by unexpected adversaries, only Diana's innate skills enable her to survive. "Game of the Gods" part 2.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 8, 2003

    I like the idea that the villain who is dogging her heals has a Matrix style ability to jump from host to host in its hunt for Wonder Woman, and the idea that Diana is suffering from amnesia adds another interesting hurdle to her struggle. Now this book still has a bit of work to do when it comes to its secondary plots, as when the action shifts away from Diana my interest level drops considerably, but I will concede that if Walter Simonson does manage to tie it all together then I may very well be singing his praises. In any event the situation with Wonder Woman is fairly engaging, and while it would've been nice to see Diana's confusion about her situation last a bit longer, and the danger she ran up against a little more impressive than possessed people who can do little more than launch ineffectual attacks her way, I will concede that he is racing the clock, so I'll give Walter Simonson credit for the sense of confusion he did manage to convey, and I'm curious to see how Diana came Read Full Review

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