Barbarella #9

Writer: Sarah Hoyt Artist: Madibek Musabekov Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: April 27, 2022 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
7.9Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The penultimate issue for this current installment! Beauty meets beautiful (and highly defended) beast as Barbarella takes the fight right to The Lady's doorstep. Doing so means tracking down The Lady's hidden home world and doing that means fighting throuh the masses determined to keep it hidden! If it's that hard to make planetfall, what the heck awaits our hero?  And what is the incredible, tragic connection between The Lady and Taln?! All this, and cringy one-liners, too!

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge May 18, 2022

    Hoyt has crafted things well here and while I may not be all on board for how good of an opponent that Lady is, I really enjoy how Barbarella is presented in dealing with her and others. A lot of it is in the scripting to be sure but it's also how the script is brought to life as Musabekov really delivers on the expressiveness and emotion of our leading character. Through that we feel more that is in the script that might not come through otherwise and that's really key to making this as strong as it is. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Apr 27, 2022

    BARBARELLA (VOL. 2) #9 is a serviceable issue to set up the finale. Theres plenty of exposition to define how the Lady thinks, and readers get a small tease about why the Lady hates Barbarella, but theres not much momentum going into the finale. Its all setup. However, the art is gorgeous and this entire run contains some of the best-looking art around. Read Full Review

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