Barbarella: The Center Cannot Hold #2

Writer: Sarah Hoyt Artist: Riccardo Bogani Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: March 29, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
8.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Out of the fire and into... what, exactly? Barbarella has managed to escape the home world of the Architects, but now she finds herself on a once-thriving world long ago reclaimed by nature and a people forever reduced to helpless foragers. But there's something else hidden on this world as well, an armed resistance, brought together to avenge the countless victims of the Architects. Meanwhile, Vix--left behind on the home world--now finds herself on the receiving end of some very dangerous questions. Prepare yourself for an exclusive look inside the brain of Vix, or at least the brain of Vix on drugs!

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 5, 2023

    The book does squeeze in some time with Vix and how the Architects are trying to break his crazy little mind while also showing what Taln is up to, which converges in an amusing way. But a lot of it is just exposition and fleshing out things so Barbarella can be brought up to speed on the great universal plan that's going on. I am amused by it even if it is just basic and familiar as we've seen it in a lot of genre projects for the past decade, never mind numerous science fiction novels for decades. But it plays well with Barbarella at the core since it's going to be related to her specialty of love being important here. It moves quickly and is filled with lots of neat visual designs and ideas that could populate multiple series to explore. I'm excited to see where it goes next as the foundations are now laid out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Mar 29, 2023

    BARBARELLA: THE CENTER CANNOT HOLD #2 shifts away from the surreal nuttiness of issue #1 into an introduction of a disparate group of rebels facing a monstrous threat. The story fills in many blanks concerning the Architects, and the artwork is excellent. Read Full Review

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