Captain Action Cat

Captain Action Cat

Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release: Apr 2014 - Jul 2014 Issues: 3 Critic Reviews: 7
6.3 Avg. Critic Rating
N/A Avg. User Rating

THIS is it kids! The Cross-Over EPIC Event of a lifetime! Finally, CAPTAIN ACTION CAT meets ACTION CAT and the characters from AW YEAH COMICS! There is something EVIL out there and EVIL CAT is determined to find it! Even if it means searching throughout the SILVER AGE to do it! Could this blip on the screen be the one known as DOCTOR EVIL CAT?! We bet it is! What will happen when the SILVER AGE and the AW YEAH AGE collide! What does this mean to the Time-stream? The Fate of the comic world may change forever! PLUS, a mysterious frozen souvenir from the GOLDEN AGE makes a visit! Brought to you by the EISNER and HARVEY Award winning, New York T more

User Ratings Critic Ratings
Rating Issue Writer Artist Reviews
#3 Art Baltazar Art Baltazar
#2 Art Baltazar Art Baltazar
#1 Art Baltazar Art Baltazar

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