Green Hornet Blood Ties

Green Hornet Blood Ties

Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release: Oct 2010 - Nov 2010 Issues: 2 Critic Reviews: 2
3.5 Avg. Critic Rating
N/A Avg. User Rating

The first issue of Green Hornet: Blood Ties features the last remains of the Italian Crime Family and the Japanese Yakuza. How did the two man team of Green Hornet and Kato bring about the fall of all Crime in the city of Century City? This tale is the precursor to Kevin Smith's Green Hornet, and is a must read for Green Hornet fans! Featuring the break out art of Johnny Desjardins, who began his career as David Finch's prot?g? and is now one of Dynamite's up-and-coming artists!

User Ratings Critic Ratings
Rating Issue Writer Artist Reviews
#2 Ande Parks Johnny Desjardins
#1 Ande Parks Johhny Desjardins

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