Jennifer Blood #4

Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Vincenzo Federici Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: January 5, 2022 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
8.7Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

"Though it looks like the (allegedly) retired crooks of Bountiful, Utah can run their dirt right under the nose of the Feds without any repercussions, everyone has to serve somebody. When the FBI comes to town demanding answers about the recent rash of murders, even the mob bosses of Bountiful have to snap to attention--but if corrupt Feds think their badges and warrants will keep them safe from the vengeance of Jennifer Blood...they're about to learn how wrong they are!
By FRED VAN LENTE (Wolverine) and VINCENZO FEDERICI (Red Sonja)!"

  • 9.0
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Jan 5, 2022

    JENNIFER BLOOD (VOL. 2) #4 could rightly be called the medical issue as the murder, mayhem, and misdeeds span everything from psycho killer nurses to drug testing gone wrong. The art is exceptional when you consider how engaging the visuals are for a dialog-heavy issue, and the character work on the main villain not only builds out the character to a formidable level but indirectly builds anticipation for the showdown. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jan 6, 2022

    This series has done an interesting job with the concept that it has and dropping in a lot of violence amid the investigation side itself. I'm definitely curious to see who has been behind it all and with it being revealed soon it definitely has my full attention. I did like what we got out of Giuletta in this run and hopefully if there's more to come afterward we'll see something creative with her as well, but mostly what we've had is a good cat and mouse game where it's all going to explode in the finale. Jennifer has some interesting moments here as well, showing that she's definitely looking at all side of this, and I'm curious to see the fallout from it. Definitely a lot to like here, especially with such solid and well-done artwork that makes the action intense. Read Full Review

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