John Carter: The End #5

Writer: Brian Wood, Alex Cox Artist: Hayden Sherman Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: June 14, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
8.1Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

WORLD WAR MARS!  The battle for the fate of Mars kicks off, and from the depths of the planetary core comes a fighting force that has not been seen for a millennium.

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jun 14, 2017

    John Carter: The End is a miniseries that I hope portends more to come as it was just fantastic. The scale of it worked wonderfully once it got underway and the way the characters had become so weary after so long just added a kind of weight to it that it needed. Cox and Wood nailed the characters and larger plot points in the sweeping operatic scale that it needed and they lucked out in a huge way with Hayden Sherman illustrating it. I cannot overstate just how much his designs gave this a life that it needed to really be as strong as it is, defining it in a way that could not be done through the usual artists we often saw on the various Warlord of Mars books. This series is one that's incredibly special and makes me wish it could have found its way to the big screen with what it does as I can just visualize it so easily. Read Full Review

  • 7.1
    Word Of The Nerd - Brent Jackson Jun 16, 2017

    John Carter: The End #5 is a good ending to a very intriguing mini series. The writers did a great job of telling a more emotional;, political John Carter story. While it does have its hiccups and it can be a little confusing for those of us not so well informed about this universe, they successfully tell a complete story that will have the reader invested in these characters throughout. The art as stated early is a mixed bag, it is good at times and bad at times depending on the scene set up and shot, but as with the writing it successfully gets the characters story across. John Carter: The End did not make me into a John Carter fan but it did get me to enjoy a John Carter comic and that is not nothing. Read Full Review

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