Lady Hel #3

Writer: Erik Burnham Artist: Zhengis Tasbolatov Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: November 9, 2022 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
8.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

After her confrontation with Lady Demon, Hel has a clearer picture of how she lost control of the underworld, and realizes the only way to regain her power is to return to her realm in secrecy by using one of the hidden paths that ancient mortals once used to find their way to the other side. The only problem is that there are more obstacles on the road to the underworld than there used to be, and they're all deadly. Can Hel make it back to the underworld in one piece, or might the personification of death actually be destroyed in the attempt?

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Nov 26, 2022

    Lady Hel finds a compelling rhythm as the series reaches the end of its plot arc. Its covered a remarkable amount of ground in the course of only three issues. Burnham has carved out a very unique space for Lady Hel that feels like it could support an ongoing series if it was fortunate enough to find the right audience. Lady Hels journey has gained a fun momentum. Shes clearly going through some kind of inner transformation that could become something really interesting if it was allowed to develop over the long term. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Nov 23, 2022

    LADY HEL #3 takes readers on a trip down Greek Mythology lane as the titular character follows Orpheuss legendary journey to the Underworld. The character designs are excellent, and the action is well done, but the color isnt integrated as well as it should be with the inks. Read Full Review

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