Nyx #7

Writer: Christos Gage Artist: Marc Borstel Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: June 8, 2022 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Over the centuries, Nyx has faced demons, wizards, and supernatural creatures.  Now, bound by sacred vow, Nyx finds herself responsible for her step-siblings...the spawn of the Mad God Chaos!  But how does even a half-demon with the power of a volcano face the ultimate challenge...parenthood?!?

  • 8.5
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Jun 8, 2022

    NYX #7 is a thoroughly amusing issue as Nyx is forced to play babysitter/parent to five very hungry demon children. The satirical jokes all land, the pacing is excellent, and the art is very good. That said, the pacing is so high that you dont get a chance to learn about the children and what makes each special in their own right. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jun 15, 2022

    Nyx was such a wild card for me when I ended up starting it because I really wasn't sure where they would go with it. Gage has surprised issue after issue, building a solidly engaging work throughout that makes you want to see more of how it'll play out. Nyx herself is in an interesting place as she doesn't have time to think of a new plan against her father but she's starting to realize she may have the tools to execute something – if she's smart and careful. This one delivers some really fun stuff with the kids and I really enjoyed the expansive cast that we got to deal with, from hippies to bikers to an giant ape and woman combination. Borstel does a great job in illustrating it and Llorach helps to give it all the more life with the color design. It's really a lot of fun. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComicBook.com - Connor Casey Jun 8, 2022

    If dark, twisted humor is you're thing you'll get a few laughs out of this. If not, it's a long read. Read Full Review

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